12 Foundations Bible Study

12 Foundation Bible Study

Learn the 12 Foundations to Understanding Your Bible from Genesis to Revelation

Understanding the Bible isn't just for pastors and Bible teachers. We all should be able to read and understand the Word that God has preserved for us. No Bible college needed. No books needed other than your Bible, the translation of your choice.

There are 12 major events/ time periods that take us from the fall of man to God's plan coming to fruition. These 12 Foundations will help you to understand your Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

This is an overview of the Bible study we are teaching - You won't hear this taught in church!

The 12 Foundations to Understanding Your Bible

  1. The Earth Created and Paradise Lost
  2. The Global Flood, the first cleansing
  3. The Rise of Babylon, the Harlot System
  4. The Rise of Israel, God's Bride
  5. The Kingdom of Israel is Divided and the Sheep are Scattered
  6. The Prophets Prophesy that the Messiah Will Come
  7. The Messiah Came Preaching the Kingdom of God
  8. The Lost Sheep of Israel are Being Found
  9. He Will Come Back and Restore His Kingdom on Earth
  10. The False Worship System (Babylon) Will Fall
  11. The Cleansing of the Earth With Fire
  12. The Restoration of Paradise
From Genesis to Revelation, every word in your Bible fits between these key events!

Once you see God's amazing plan, no one can fool you with a false gospel!

If you are ready to learn about God's coming Kingdom, join us for the 12 Foundations Bible study. It has the key to unlocking your Bible.

12 Foundations - Intro - Module 1

12 Foundations - Intro - Module 2

12 Foundations - Intro - Module 3

12 Foundations - Intro - Module 4

12 Foundations - Intro - Module 5

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